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OMI for AVEVA System Platform

AVEVA OMI (Operations Management Interface) is the new industrial interface for real-time operations management, providing an advanced and high-performance user experience.
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AVEVA OMI in Numbers

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Reduction in engineering effort


Increase in operator efficiency


More client sessions per node


Reuse of initial investment

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IHM new generations

AVEVA OMI (Operations Management Interface) offers an innovative, high-performance user experience for managing and visualizing industrial operations.

Its unique graphic content can be deployed across different terminals while maintaining optimal resolution for the target screen, all without any script programming and/or application redesign. Equipped with its new "responsive" visualization engine, AVEVA System Platform becomes even more powerful and flexible in application management. AVEVA InTouch OMI offers an advanced graphic engine, a modern user experience, and a revolutionary design approach, without scripting or programming! It enables native management of multi-screen applications, reducing the implementation of such architectures to just a few minutes.


What makes AVEVA OMI unique for operators?

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User experience for all types of devices
Designed with a user-centric approach, OMI delivers a consistent, intuitive user experience (UX) on all types of devices, from desktops to tablets and smartphones. This universality of user experience is crucial for fast, reliable access to information.
Dynamic web dashboards
In operation, operators have the ability to dynamically create fully responsive web dashboards according to their preferences or specific production requirements, improving operational efficiency and facilitating maintenance and process optimization tasks.
Local or web client
OMI offers a modern, flexible approach to industrial data access. This means you can deploy local clients on site, offering a robust solution, as well as web clients enabling secure visualization and interaction with industrial systems, at any time and from any external location.
Visualize your PLC graphsets
With the PLC Viewer app for OMI, visualize your PLC programs in real time. It's a simple way to diagnose malfunctions or fault conditions, and identify interlocks that would otherwise require access to the PLC programming software.

Top AVEVA OMI features for developers

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Automatic application generation
With OMI, the navigation tree is automatically built by default by reading the System Platform project structure. It can be customized according to your needs, and implicitly provides access to added equipment.
Simplified multi-screen management
System Platform's OMI interface provides natively simplified multi-screen/multi-resolution management. With just a few mouse clicks, you can freely compose and configure your screen walls, with support for very high-definition resolutions.
Windows apps for OMI
Numerous Windows apps for OMI make it quick and easy to implement advanced functionalities. The use of these Windows apps makes perfect sense when setting up a Unified Control Center, integrating information from multiple data sources.
Multi-touch and gesture support
Provide your operators with OMI interfaces integrating all multi-touch and gesture functions. Gesture integration delivers a smoother, more intuitive, more efficient user experience; helps improve productivity and safety; and significantly reduces operators' cognitive load.

The questions you have about AVEVA OMI

Does OMI support multi-instances ?
OMI supports multi-instance operation. This means that, on a physical or virtual machine, several OMI client applications can run simultaneously.
How does OMI's multi-instances licensing system work?
Whether you have a single OMI instance or multiple instances on a physical or virtual machine, you only need one Supervisory Client license.
Does OMI support Windows Apps?
OMI includes +25 Windows Apps as standard, to simplify and speed up the construction of supervision interfaces.
Is there an AVEVA SDK for developing your own Apps?
Installed automatically when you install the ArchestrA IDE, the Software Developer Kit lets you develop your own apps for OMI.
Does OMI technology simplify software installation on client workstations?
Yes, on an OMI client workstation, you no longer need to install the client part of System Platform. The configuration of an OMI client workstation is simply limited to installing the federating component of a System Platform project, i.e. the Bootstrap.

Complementary products

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